We are called to go into all the world and share the good news of Jesus Christ. As such, through 5 Stones International, we deliver humanitarian aid, provide trauma medical training, and show up as the hands and feet of Christ, providing hope and support in some of the world’s most challenging environments.

The reaction we get from ordinary people when we tell them what countries we travel to is often one of fear, confusion, and curiosity. To which we will commonly answer, the safest place you can be is exactly where God has called you to be.
Our international missions are typically self-funded and the missionary is responsible for finding donors and sponsors to help them get to where God has called them to be. Once our missionaries are in country, we work in small 5-10 person teams, providing food, clothing, and medical aid to communities in need. Being a Fight Club we find it necessary to train other missionary groups on the importance of things like self-defense and Tactical Casualty Combat Care (TCCC). For more information about our international mission work, please visit www.5stonesinternational.com.